How Can Hypnosis Help For Interview Anxiety?

There are two types of people in the world – those who like interviews and those who don't. There are many other ways to divide the world as you've probably noticed, but this is the black-and-white categorization that I want to talk about here. If you are in the first camp then you probably have not read this far, but if you hate, dread, revile, lose sleep over and or constantly mess interviews up through excessive nerves then perhaps I can offer some respite as hypnosis can help for interview anxiety.

There are two phases to think about: there is the build-up and then the event itself. The event itself will be a lot easier if the build-up is peaceful, but a lot harder if you have spent the whole previous week feeling anxious nausea, waking up in the night, going over and over and over possible questions and how to answer them all as if you can predict.

If you are suffering stress and anxiety, it is probably because you are imagining the potential problems and then forgetting that it is just imagination so your whole body starts to feel like you are already in the interview and making an idiot of yourself. Your body feels as if the imagined scenario is real and you've already messed it up. This is basically self-hypnosis – you are experiencing imagination as real.

Your mind then tries to throw lots of other thoughts at it to try and resolve the situation, but you cannot resolve the situation because it isn’t happening. You might make some decisions about what to do if that happens and start to feel better, but then the original thought of saying the wrong thing or freezing up comes back, you then forget it’s not real again and start trying to solve it again. You cannot solve a thought with a thought though, but you can lose a lot of sleep attempting to do so.

I spend a lot of time with clients helping them see the illusion in their thinking. When you know a thought is not real you can have the thought without your body going into an anxiety reaction.

Even in the interview – if you feel excessively anxious it is because your body is stress reacting to what might go wrong in a couple of seconds rather than remaining present in the moment when you are doing just fine.

My self-hypnosis audio for interview success takes you through this idea in a hypnotic fashion in order to teach your mind that it doesn’t need to overthink, so you can significantly reduce stress and anxiety and focus on the most useful ways to prepare for the best chance of smashing the interview in a rested and quietly confident state of mind.


Four Times Hypnotherapist Of The Year


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